I spend quite a bit of time talking about papers on the the Future of Coding podcast. But there are so much papers we will never get to. So I thought it might be fun to do an advent of papers. I'm largely inspired by The Morning Paper. But I don't expect to be covering similar ground. In fact, I've kind of kept the choice of papers here to weirder papers. I don't right now plan on covering any classics. Though perhaps the amount of time I have could convince me otherwise. Since I am doing these daily for advent and it's a rather busy time. I will keep them brief and mostly summarize and give you my opinion on the paper. In large part this is a personal challenge to see if I can write about these papers in a reasonably short amount of time and with reasonable clarity. Below are the papers I've written up and an unordered list of papers I'm considering.
Dec 18: The Structure and Legal Interpretation of Computer Programs
Dec 21: What is Conceptual Engineering and What Should It Be?
Computing with Uncertainty and Its Implications to Universality - Naya Nagy and Selim G. Akl
Intrinsic Propensity for Vulnerability in Computers? Arbitrary Code Execution in the Universal Turing Machine - Pontus Johnson
Adapting the Environment Instead of Oneself - David Kirsh
Abstraction in Computer Science - Timothy Colburn and Gary Shute
50,000,000,000 Instructions Per Second: Design and Implementation of a 256-Core BrainFuck Computer - Sang-Woo Jun
Challenging the Computational Metaphor: Implications for How We Think - Lynn Andrea Stein
On Reversible Subroutines and Computers That Run Backwards - E. D. Reilly, Jr. and F. D. Federighi
Three Challenges to Chalmers on Computational Implementation - Mark Sprevak
Content, Computation, and Externalism - Oron Shagrir